Csatlakozzon 100% INGYEN és vegye fel a kapcsolatot

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jamesfp72 Adatlap információk

Not your "typical" vegan
Év 52 Honnan való? San Francisco, California - Elérhető - 2 héttel ezelőtt
Férfi keres Hölgyet

Általános adatok

Let's see, I've been vegan for 21 years. As important as being vegan is to me, I don't wear it on my sleeve. Most people are surprised to find out that I am. I don't preach about it and you won't find me protesting or anything. If it comes up, I will gladly share my reasons and my experience, but I won't try to convert anyone. I try to eat healthy and exercise. I kickbox and lift weights 4-5 days a week on average. I've gone indoor rock climbing a couple of times and would love to go again with someone. I like to play tennis, too, though I'm not particularly good. I would like to meet someone active but being a gym rat isn't a requirement. I like bowling. Dorky, I know. I can be very serious and very silly. Goofy faces are a specialty of mine. I am a bit shy at first. I think chivalry still has it's place. Am a bit of an introvert, but selectively extroverted. I'm very loyal. I've known my best friend for 22 years. I'm a closeted hopeless romantic. I read Chuck Palahniuk, Douglas Adams, and Richard Dawkins. I love the show Dexter and 30 Rock. I like all kinds of movies, from indies to big blockbusters; Memento is my favorite. Recently started playing guitar again after having a reunion of sorts with my band from 12 years ago. I take walks in the park when I can. I like the sound of rain. Animals , in general, make me smile. There's more, just ask.