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funyogi Informacje o Profilu

Funy yogi seeks fun loving yogini
Wiek 66 Z Grand Rapids, Michigan - Online - 1 tydzień temu
Mężczyzna Szukam Kobieta

Podstawowe Informacje

Znam Następujące Języki Obce  
Widzę siebie jako osobę  
I believe if one operates from a center of understanding that we are all One in Love, and that if one operates from that Heart Center, then one is Loving towards all. I really don't understand how one can love a dog but eat a deer... In parts of the world, (i.e. Cambodia, Viet Nam) people eat dogs - in the U.S.A. people treat them like part of the family. I treat all living beings as part of my family.

I have studied yoga since I was 16 yrs. old...meditate Kriya Yoga...and have studied Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Christian mystics...I now practice more than read.

I keep healthy by working out daily...I like to bicycle, go the gym, jog...keep active.

I have been a professor of human communications and social psychology for fifteen am working on a life coaching career.

I like to have go live music...very respectful, kind without being mushy, loving without being co-dependent, not possessive...and empathetic.

I am not expecting someone to fulfill my life but to share the magic of life with me.

I would like to have a nonjudgmental, compassionate, caring, always polite, yet stimulating relationship. This means with someone who does not seek me to fulfill her life but to share the mystery in it. Healthy, realistic expectations are keys to a happy relationship. Also, the ability to communicate respectively and loving always, regardless of the situation, is another key. Arguments are a realistic expectation in a relationship. What is key is not that people do not argue - it is how they argue. The language they use or more importantly do not use. One should always be respectful, kind, compassionate, and loving - never harsh.

Also, someone to share in the fun! (see activities).

I like the outdoors: long walks in primarily a beautiful environment, hiking, canoeing, camping, and biking, anywhere on near or by Lake Michigan anytime of the year (although mostly summer). I also like movies: comedies and mysteries mainly. The arts - live music of different kinds, museums, literature, and open to other enriching and fun activities!

What does being *conscious* mean to you?

Being conscious means being aware of myself, others, and my environment. It means at times being aware of the Self - ego-less, unified, external, expansive, Oneness...At other times it means being aware of my ego's thoughts, my language (verbal and nonverbal), what I am communication to others as well as all of these aspects they are communication to me. It also means being aware of my environment and how it affects me and how I affect it.

Wygląd & Sytuacja

Mój typ budowy  
Dobrze Zbudowany
Mój wzrost  
5' 11 (1.8 m)
Moje Oczy Są  
Moje pochodzenie  
Mój Stan Cywilny to  
Samotny/ Single
Mam Dzieci  
Tak - Poza Domem
Chcę Mieć Dzieci  
Nie Jestem Pewien
Moje Włosy Są  
Ciemny Brąz
Mam Jedną Lub Więcej Z Tych Rzeczy  
Nie mam zwierząt domowych


Mój Poziom Edukacji To  
Dyplom Ukończenia Studiów Wyższych
Mój Aktualny Stan Zatrudnienia To  
Własna Działalność Gospodarcza
Moja Specjalność To  
Edukacja/Szkolnictwo Wyższe


Moje Zainteresowania I Hobby To  
Religia/Duchowość, Ćwiczenia, Czytanie, Sport, Muzyka, Filmy, Tańczenie, Teatr, Gotowanie, Uprawianie Ogrodu, Kamping